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What is life? - A poem from a Crystal writer (miss Ruthan Julius)

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A short story
  Looking back at my life what i have made is all gone I have nothing.
 I was happily married at a point of my life. A doctor and also married to successful doctor life kept on I wish I can just have a say in my life but no.
  I worked hard and so so my husband.we later had to kids God's time and Joan. Gods's time being the first love to ask question and some time we want him to be a doctor.A very light boy with dreams.he loved his sister so much.
 Due to work things not having time for the house we heard a house help although a brother- in- law do stay with us.Due of God's time to much questions when we do come back from work we look our door.unknowing to us we do not no what going on.we love our kids but yet to blind to see what was even around.
  On a faithful day when i came back from work,my son ran to me and say " mummy why do you and daddy always lock the door when you come from work, is it that you love kissing? I was shock,i beat him not knowing what he was saying i reported him to his class head.
   I was blind i was not enable to see the work took so interest in my time than my kids.i stopped them from washing movie and I do not know what was w happening 
 A day came that I wished I happen take my primary function that is my home..I came home and I saw that the house help and my brother in law and my two kids was watching blue film and the worse was that my kids were also doing what the see... I drove my brother in law and the house help out of my house but I never knew this was going on for like 14 years. 
 After all this my kids keep doing it and we had to remove the baby form my daughter twice but yet the kept on and the last time l lost my daughter. My son was so mad and he left the house and later we were called to the hospital that my son try to kill him self.we were happy to see him but he was not he said why did we kill his sister we cry and try to make him understand but no way later he soon killed him self.
  Now am 75 with out any kids my love die 3 years because of this.I am a wicket mother..we said our little family secret but see me a childless mother because of i gave no time to my family. the end
  Bases on real life story

From miss Ruthann Julius
