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NEEDS OF A YOUNG MAN - best poem pick

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A young man should face battles.
He needs it. Battles refine a man.
A man should face his battles in his youth so he doesn’t pride himself in his accomplishments.
A young man should face storms.
Storms that rock his boat.
With training, he would be a skillful sailor however, over time he would know how to sleep in the storm.
A young man should be hurt.
Be hurt so he can learn to appreciate the value of trust.
He should know the feeling of pain.
The pain of the heart so he can embrace love with two hands.
A young man should make mistakes.
He should be permitted to make mistakes.
He should learn from the mistakes, grow from it but never define himself by his mistakes.
A young man should be tested.
Tested in his principles, character and his integrity.
Tested so he knows that the gap between saying and doing is a journey that is not covered in one night.
A young man should be foolish.
He should be ready to go head on with nothing but a ‘gut feeling’.
A young man should cry.
Cry when the result of following the gut feelings gets him pummeled by the realities of life.
Cry when he is pressed by life.
He should know that real men cry even if they don’t say it.
A young man should forgive.
He should be grounded in the practice of forgiveness.
Forgive before the crime is committed.
Forgive so as not to bleed to death from heartache.
A young man should be enthusiastic.
Enthusiastic of what tomorrow holds.
He should see with the eyes of endless possibilities.
A young man should love.
Love life. Love his friends.
Love the person he desires to be. Love the process of growth.
A young man should hate.
Hate lack!
Hate the term “accept the status quo” because he can’t live in that world.
Hate fate but embrace faith.
A young man should discover.
Discover his true identity by searching.
Search thoroughly like he’s digging for gold because he is an unexplored mine.
A young man should be honest.
Be honest to his friends, enemies, parents, and most importantly, to Himself.
A young man should be happy because every man deserves to be happy.
A young man should be a man because that is all he can be
