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A VERTICAL HORIZONTAL RELATIONSHIP – Dominion Mandate Daily Devotional

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Psalm 27-29
Thursday, March 16, 2017.
Bible in one year: Matthew 5:23-24.
A fundamental part of our relationship with God is our relationship with our fellow man. God’s nature is love and He has called us to show this love to everyone around us.(1John 4:20)
From this passage we can see clearly that walking in love is a prerequisite for walking with God. You cannot claim to love God and yet you hate your fellow man. So as you make peace with God also make peace with your fellow men. Forgive those that offended you and ask forgiveness from those you have offended. Make restitution, return to people what you forcefully took or stole from them.
It is the primary duty of every child of God to extend the goodness, mercy and grace that we have received from God to others. It is not because of our goodness we have been forgiven and loved by God, it is because of His nature and the sacrifice of Jesus. God loved us even while we were sinners. We also are to overlook the faults of others and treat them with the love of God. The way we treat others is not based on how we feel about them. Love is a command just as we are commanded not to kill or steal, we are commanded by God to love.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for pouring out your love in my heart. Help me to express that love to other people. Give me the grace to love even difficult people.
