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10 kissing skills to know

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You can be the best kisser ever, if you only try out this 10 tips. Check them out.

Kissing can make or break your chances of getting laid.

Knowing this can make even the best of us nervous.
Thankfully, is here to help you out.

Here are 10 easy ways to perfect the unique act of kissing.
1. Brush your teeth: No one wants to kiss a smelly mouth. In order to increase your chances of kissing perfectly, you have to make sure your mouth is clean.
2. Build up the sexual tension: Kissing isn't just the act, it also includes what leads to it. You have to build up the tension. You do this by sneaking looks at their lips, looking for opportunities to touch them, and so on.
3. Start with soft kisses.
4. Increase the passion and intensity.

5. Control your saliva: Do NOT vomit your saliva into the other person's mouth. No one wants that.
6. Use your tongue cautiously.

 7. Use your hands on their neck, head, other parts of the body.

8. Let them know you are enjoying it by making sounds.
9. Be careful with your teeth, some people are into and some are not.
10. Switch places: Kissing does not have to be on only the lips, you can kiss/nibble their eyes, neck and so on.
