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Designed and built 100% in Nigeria by a team of skilled individuals.

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A team of engineers led by Terfa Addingi launched the Ijado tractor
on Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 at the Capital Assembly Auditorium in
According to World Bank: Nigeria is home to
somewhere in the region of 20,000 public and
private tractors. This falls significantly short of the
numbers required.If Agriculture is going to make
any meaningful impact to the nation’s economy,
Tractorization must be addressed. It is the quest to
provide a solution to this need, that led me and the
Crafts Design Team to design and build The IJODO
Tractor.IJODO: (meaning Labourer in Tiv
Language)”. Today this tall dream has come true.
Be a part of the celebration as he dedicates
“IJODO” in Abuja tomorrow.” says Terfa ” 
